How You Love Yourself Affects Others

Happy Valentine’s Day for yesterday! A lot of people don’t like it for some reason! I’ve always loved it. It’s my favourite day because I love, love energy. I always have, even before I knew about all of this energy stuff. And I love sending out love energy.  The most important person that we can […]

Whose Dream Are You Living?

When I was six, my parents first brought us to England.  I was sitting in one of those black taxi cabs in the pull down Cinderella seat, in my cute purple travelling outfit, looking out the window watching England click by in the rain.  In that moment I knew I would live here someday. Fast […]

Are You Conscious of Your Energy?

This year I made a commitment to myself to utilise all of the tools that I have in my skill set and to practice on a daily basis. This year I wanted to up my game and live energetically. Everything in the world is energy, from your thoughts, your laptop, to the chair you sit […]

Are You Keeping the Doors to Possibilities Open or Closed?

Can you believe we are already coming into the last week of January? If the year is already going this fast, maybe it’s time to take a moment and consider your mind set. Come January a lot of people make resolutions. I think that’s not a great idea because perhaps by this time already, you […]

What’s The Vibration That You Most Desire To Emit?

What’s the vibration that you most desire to emit? Who do you desire to be? How do you want the world to receive you? How do you want to be in the world? From your viewpoint right now, what’s the highest potential you can imagine for yourself? Before we can manifest anything, we need to […]

Learn To Love Yourself Completely

People talk about self love, and maybe even practice it on a daily basis. “I love myself, I nurture myself. I have positive loving thoughts…” but self love goes much deeper than that.  Every moment that we have any kind of doubt, and I’m talking about those fleeting moments of doubt that often go unobserved […]

Open the Doors to Possibility

Nelson Mandela said, “One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it won’t happen.” This statement alone is what keeps so many people trapped in their own small bubbles of limited possibility. Most people believe, “once I see it, and feel it and experience it, then I’ll believe it.” This is going to keep […]

Letting Go and Inviting In

The full moon was yesterday, shining gloriously in between dark relentless rain clouds. Full moons are a time of completion. When I have a full moon fire ceremony everyone brings a small stick about the size of a pencil. In one end each person blows into their stick 3 things, personal to them, they’d like […]

Skepticism and Dreams

I want to talk about skepticism and dreams. Some people think that you shouldn’t share your dreams with other people, that you ought to keep things close to your chest and not tell anybody what your plans are, or what’s going on.  Sometimes I’ve lived by that but I’m naturally more of an open person […]

Why Ceremony Matters

It’s the new moon which means it’s a good time to set intentions for what you want to come. This is a really good seed planting time. That’s a little ceremony you could have by yourself, an intention setting ceremony. Anything you want to transmute into light you can blow into a stick, personal to […]

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