New Year’s Self Review

Coming into the second week of January, forget New Year’s resolutions! Instead think about who you are in this moment, space and time, and who you’d like to be. 

This is a really good time of year to sit with yourself, go within and quietly take some self review. 

It’s always good to start with the positives, so what’s working out for you? Yay, congratulations! A million gold stars! Celebrate yourself for all the things that you’ve achieved, accomplished, all of the things that you’ve learned, birthed and created and put into action. 

Honour and celebrate all of your successes. Don’t just smooth over them and take it all for granted. The work that all of us are doing – even some of the less obvious work, like the deep, personal stuff, all goes into the pot of success and helps you be who you want to be.

You are striving to be the potential of who you are, to be your aligned, happy self. So yay, to everything that’s working!

Then ask yourself, what’s not working, but is stuff that I know about, and I know I can change it, and I know how to change it?

What kind of bad habits have I gotten into that I haven’t always been in, or what have I been doing that I’ve had a realization about that I know can be different?

Or what have I been doing that hasn’t really been working for me. I gave it the old college try, but it’s not really working out, and I know I could make it different or improve it. 

So here we’re talking about things like your diet, your exercise routine, whatever it is, those are relatively easy to change. Maybe you have to get your head around it first, but it’s not like you don’t understand, “why am I gaining weight, why don’t I feel fit,” right? These are obvious things. So make a decision in yourself to change it. 

Don’t make a resolution, because you’ll likely break that. Just make a decision, make a commitment with yourself that if those things aren’t working for you and they’re not making you feel good, then make an agreement with yourself to change that. 

Now here’s the fun part: what’s not working for you that you don’t understand why you are still stuck in this repeating pattern? Or maybe you don’t even see it yet as a repeating pattern?

Maybe you’re just stuck and you don’t know why, and you don’t know why you feel the way you do, and you don’t know what to do about it, and you’ve tried “everything.” 

This is what I want to talk about. The good stuff that’s working – great, keep doing it. 

The stuff you know you can change. Great. Change it. 

The stuff where you’re stuck and you’re confused, here is when you might need another person’s point of view. 

It’s helpful to get another perspective. It’s helpful if you have thoughtful, trusted friends, not just people to placate you. Although a little affirmation is always nice too. But ask your friends for their point of view. 

There are lots of tools everywhere. There’s all sorts of interesting information on Google itself, and YouTube. But have you ever booked an appointment with a therapist? Like, Me?

This is what I do. I listen to people’s stuck areas, and I connect those dots, the repeating patterns. And often times I hear my clients say, “Oh, wow, I never saw it as a repeating pattern!” And that’s because the circumstances are different in each of the issues  but the energy, what you’re feeling underneath each of these is what’s important.

There’s a lot of repetition in our lives. What are you feeling underneath the feeling of stuckness? For example, say it’s overwhelm. You feel overwhelmed. But that’s the outcome of deeper feelings. Why are you feeling overwhelmed? What does the overwhelm make you feel? What triggers in you when you’re feeling overwhelmed? Do you get overwhelmed because you feel that there’s too much to do and too little time? Do you get overwhelmed because you feel like you’re not good enough or not capable enough? Do you get overwhelmed because you’re afraid of an outcome that you can’t see yet, or that you’re afraid of failure? Do you get overwhelmed because you’re all alone?

You name it. Maybe that’s not the feeling. Maybe you have another feeling or another issue that’s keeping you stuck, and you don’t know why, because you’re not in touch with your actual feelings that are underneath that thing that is triggering, suppressing or keeping you stuck. 

This is where the deep personal work comes in to actually speak your truth, what you’re feeling free from judgment and figure out from where the root of this was born. 

And this is why this birth trauma stuff is so fascinating. And I know I call it ‘trauma,’ it’s not exactly all trauma, but your birth imprint really sets you up for who you’re going to be in so many ways that you can’t even imagine how much it impacts your day to day life for the rest of your life!

What you modeled from your parents, what they said, what they didn’t say, your ancestral line, what they put in place for that familial baseline of emotions coming through and in your community and environment in which you grew up.

How did you manifest all of your childhood perceptions to bring you into the adult that you are now? Trying to deal with all of this adulting from a wounded childhood perspective? Maybe some of this stuff isn’t even yours! Maybe it’s been passed down cellularly through generations, and you’re holding the mantle for your mother or father, or maybe even for a grandparent? 

Maybe you’ve got stuff going on that is from another lifetime, and you don’t even understand what’s happening, and maybe you need to have a soul retrieval. 

A soul retrieval is a shamanic practice where I journey between the worlds and find out what the original core wounding was that’s been traveling with you lifetime after lifetime. And then heal it by recovering that lost soul part.

I know it sounds all wild, but it’s actually just energy, and it’s the energy that we hold in our bodies and bring forward. 

January. Wouldn’t it be a good time to do a little self review now and find out what you can change, because it’s not all bad. 

And is that a pattern? You think, “oh, everything’s terrible.” It’s not all bad. There will be an aspect that isn’t working out, but not everything is bad. So let’s find out. 

I do work one to one with people in two hour healing sessions on Zoom or in person. If you’re anywhere near Ilkley, West Yorkshire, I’d love to work with you in person. 

I work with your neural pathways in your brain, which helps you recreate and reprogram your thinking, reformatting your subconscious habitual behavioural patterns. 

I also work with your energy body and your chakras to make sure that your energy is cycling properly throughout your body. Because so many people feel frustrated that they’re stuck, and that’s because they’re not in alignment. 

Their alignment has been pushed out, and they’re trying to move forward, but nothing’s working, because they need to be in alignment first. You can’t be in flow if you’re not in alignment. 

Isn’t it a good idea to find out why you’re not in alignment and get put back in alignment? Then you can flow. Prayer and meditation is all good stuff, but I’ve always said a little bit of knowledge goes a long way. 

So why don’t you come and have a chat with me? Book a 20 minute free mind shift call. It’s 20 minutes. A lot of people have a big ‘aha’ right there on the phone. 

Because if you’re thinking about working with somebody, whether it’s me or somebody else, you want to make sure that you’ve got a good dance with that person. 

I’ve been to therapists before who I just thought didn’t “get” me. Or I didn’t have a good rapport with the therapist, whatever it was, and vice versa. I’ve had clients come to me, and I could feel that they just they weren’t engaged with me. 

I think this is a big waste of everybody’s time. I don’t want to waste anybody’s time, money or emotional investment, and I just want to help people feel better in themselves.

On a day to day basis I want to help myself stay in alignment. Feel joyfulness, feel flow. I want to be like a consistently moving river through life, not getting stuck anywhere. I want it all to flow, freely, and I want the water to be clear, and I want it to be easy for the most part. 

A lot of our wanting to flow is about how we think, the choices we make. You do have so much more control over this, more than you could possibly imagine. 

I can help you unlock that part of yourself and show you how it can easily be done. I look forward to hearing from you, and I’ll put the link here so you can book a call, let’s have a New Year’s chat and see if it’s the right time to move forward and work together.

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