
and more!

From advice, to free teachings, to life stories, client interviews, funny stories, the latest offers and services and more, the below articles share a range of information to binge!

Revitalise Your Stem Cells!

Revitalize Stem Cells! That sounded intriguing to me having always been interested in preventative medicine and doing things in an as natural and non invasive way as possible.     ...

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Feeding the Ducks

I came out to feed the ducks today, but not a duck to be found! I don’t know where they’ve all gone. Maybe they’re having an afternoon siesta. I was...

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Was Your Birth Traumatic?

Our birth story creates a blueprint for which our further psychological development takes place.  So if we have an easy, no stress birth, we might have an easier life and...

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Laugh Yourself Better

Healing comes in many forms. Just like there are so many different mediums to choose as an artist, the same array of possibilities exists with choosing the best way (for...

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Shock and Trauma

Shock and trauma can come into us in a variety of ways. The most obvious is if you hurt yourself; you’ll go into some level of shock or if you...

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Go Play In The Traffic!

Outrageously my father used to tell my sister and me this on a regular basis! But, as we lived on a dead end street with a huge green park across...

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It’s All About Our Vibe, Man!

It’s about our vibration. We think that we’re out there creating and manifesting and doing all of the spiritual work, we’re calling in all of the affirmations that we say,...

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Surrender Your Resistance

I’ve always really disliked the words, surrendering and sacrifice because they sound so negative, as if I’m giving up my power or I’m going to become weak by surrendering. But...

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Hibernation for Restoration

Have you ever wanted to quit social media?  Maybe you have already taken time out from connecting with the world on a daily basis. In one meme I saw a...

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Relationship Reset

In long term relationships, arguing and having disagreements doesn’t mean that your relationship is falling apart.  It just means that you have a few things to work out.  And the...

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Goal Trauma

This exchange came from a FB Live I participated in with my soul sister Helen Orombi (Dr. H) who is an amazing business coach and took me through an EFT...

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Transformational Travel in Peru!

Do you feel disconnected from your higher source, your higher knowing, source energy, or feel like you’re not as connected to the Mother Earth as you’d like to be, or...

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