Has Your Loved One Gone to the Light or Zipped Into you?

Sometimes when people die their spirit doesn’t go to the light but zips into someone living, either because they are afraid of dying, or they want to keep an eye on their family, or they are worried about someone, there can be a whole host of reasons. Usually it is subconscious as our souls want […]

Are You Keeping a Secret To Yourself by Not Speaking Your Truth?

Are you speaking your truth? Are you being impeccable with your words? Your words are vibrations, and what you put out into the universe is what you attract. Stop being lazy with your words! Say exactly what you mean, and follow through. Step up to yourself and stop keeping a secret to yourself about who […]

Feeling Lost or like You Don’t Belong?

Feeling like you don’t belong? Are you feeling Lost? Chances are your soul remembers who you are, but your “Human” is still trying to fit into this linear world instead of re-connecting to the metaphysical aspects like Being, Knowing, Identity, Time and Space that you fundamentally want to tap into. You can choose your “reality”. […]

Holding Onto Ancestral Wounding?

Are you holding onto your ancestral wounding? Is your familial cycle of drama repeating itself generation after generation? You can break the cycle by stepping up and committing to do the personal work needed to heal the past. Haven’t you ever wondered where the wounding comes from in the first place? Do you really want […]

Receiving Mixed messages from People?

Do you often feel like you are receiving mixed messages from people? What people say and how they act is not alway congruent with how they feel. It can be confusing. This is a wonderful opportunity to tap into your guidance system and practice trusting your intuition! Need help with that? Join my free FB […]

Archetypes and Power Animals

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Want To Be Aligned With Source Energy?

Want to be aligned with Source Energy? Get in your happy place! We have to FEEL good to be in the right vibration! Look at something beautiful, feel appreciation for every possible thing around you even if you have to be ridiculous! Create FUN out of nothing! You’re probably connecting to Source much more than […]

Wondering If You Have Healing Abilities?

Wondering if You Have Healing Abilities? Do you have an inherent “knowing” about plants or crystals? Can you already somatically see inside the body? Can you feel energy with your hands? Tuning into other people’s thoughts? Seeing aura’s? Are you missing or avoiding your wake-up call? Start to explore! The world needs gifted healers to […]

Do You Know Where Your Energy Ends and Others Begin?

When we are in crowds or tight spaces with people our energy fields are overlapping and as empaths we may “take on” other people’s “stuff”. You need to be aware of your energetic boundaries, well hydrated and grounded so you can stay in alignment. Join my free FB Group Releasing the Wounded Healer if you […]

Announcing the new FB Group name Releasing The Wounded Healer

Do you want to make a difference to this planet and create a ripple effect? Are you on the path of service? You are already a gifted healer but can’t quite grasp that illusive core wounding. You are wanting a mentor, a coach to inspire you and keep you accountable. To meet you where you’re […]

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