Birth Trauma Can Crop Up Years Later

Did you know that birth trauma can crop up years later? 

You might think that everything was just peachy keen when you were born and that there were no problems whatsoever, but unless we really know what was going on for our mothers and our fathers or our situation when we were in utero, we don’t necessarily know what kind of birth trauma happened. 

Trauma, it’s such a big word, so let’s call it birth experience or birth challenge. 

The year I was pregnant with Roam, my second child, my mother and sister were not speaking to me. 

I had pretty easy pregnancies and idyllic water births with both kids. So there was no obvious trauma. 

But the whole time that I was pregnant with Roam, I did not feel like my mother or sister were there for me.

Didn’t feel like my family was there because they weren’t speaking to me. 

Many years go by, I’m finally doing the healing work that I was born to learn, and Roam, who was maybe about seven at the time, said something negative about all of us, his family.

I don’t remember what he said, but he was basically complaining about me, his dad, and his brother, and I asked, “What is the matter?” 

He said something like, “I just don’t feel like you guys care!” I was surprised, we were and are a pretty supportive family. I thought it was strange that he’d feel that way, and I remembered being pregnant with him.

I muscle tested him and I had him say, “my family is there for me,” yes or no. And it came out, no!  I couldn’t believe it! “Do it again!,” I instructed, “Come on, hold, really, really tight.” 

And sure enough, he had the belief that his family wasn’t there for him! 

He said, “But I know that you guys are there for me!”

When I was pregnant with him, feeling like my family wasn’t there for me, those feelings went into him.

Obviously, we changed that belief system. And then, of course, his feelings of not feeling like we cared went away.

If you don’t know about muscle testing, you really ought to learn it. It’s absolutely fantastic. Get a base level test first, so that you know  how strong the person is.

But that’s a good example of how birth trauma can crop up in you when you don’t even realize that you’re holding a subconscious limiting belief system because of something that you knew nothing about, but that your mother was feeling the whole time that she was pregnant with you. 

So it’s just something to think about, what was going on for your parents when they were pregnant with you? 

You might not know, maybe your parents are already gone, but like that first exercise, when I was studying transactional analysis, they had us tune into our mothers and write down on a piece of paper “what was your mother feeling when she was pregnant with you.” 

It’s pretty easy to tune in. We were there with our mothers. We were in our mother’s uterus, so we can pretty easily tune in to what was going on with our mothers. 

And even if you’re not 100% certain, tune in to what you do know around it, and look at what you’ve written, and now look at how what you’ve written on that piece of paper can actually apply to your own life. 

This is the way that we start to investigate what kind of subconscious patterns are lurking around in us that are holding us back from living our best potential and our most joyful lives, free from limiting beliefs, shielding us from causing self sabotage and all of the rest of it. 

So if this interests you and you’d like to find out more, please book a free call with me. It’s so interesting. I love to talk to people about what they know and what they don’t know that they know. 

Maybe there’s some unexplained feelings or behaviours you’ve never understood that can be traced back to your birth experience? Better late than never to find out!

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