Your Birth Experience Can Have Lifelong Effects

Did you know that your birth experience can have lifelong effects on who you are as a person?

It can impact why you tick the way you do, why you perceive things the way that you do, your ability to handle conflicts, your ability to handle stress, it could even affect your coordination or early language skills. 

It can affect your emotional health, your emotional stability, your focus, your learning capacity, your self esteem, your physical health, your personality, and your mental health. 

Even if you think that you had a completely normal birth experience, if your mother had postpartum depression afterwards and was really out of it, or if she had any complications, or if you were brought home to a chaotic, crazy environment, all of these things contribute to your birth experience. 

The birth experience is not just the moment that you’re born. It actually starts before you even chose the parents that you’ve chosen to birth you.

We can even take it back ancestrally; we look at the familial baseline – what was set up in your ancestral lineage before you even came here, because there are so many repeating patterns that are passed down generationally. 

Any kind of early childhood trauma affects the way a child’s brain and nervous system develop. And of course, these can have long term effects. 

If there were any complications, like if you were delivered by C-section, or if you were a forceps baby, or induced, if you were born prematurely, if you were taken away from your mother right after you were born, or put in an incubator, if you had any kind of problems, or if your mother was in any kind of stress while she was pregnant with you, all fall under the “birth trauma” umbrella.

If she was being abused mentally or emotionally or physically while she was pregnant with you, obviously, if she was taking drugs or alcohol, all of that goes into the mix too. 

So the birth experience is really when you decide to come to this earth, and up to about your first two to three years, because that’s when we’re forming our personalities, when we’re receiving that cellular chemistry that comes from our parents and from our lineages. 

It’s fascinating and quite revealing to look at your repeating patterns in life.  

One of my default programs in life always used to be feeling completely frustrated and out of control, so much so that I kept breaking my tailbone.

When I went to shaman school and was learning about chakras, I asked the question, “what if you have an injury in one of your chakras? Can that be be healed?” And Dr Alberto Villoldo asked me, what injury and how I did it.

I told him about breaking my tailbone eight times mainly from falling. And he asked, “What were you feeling, the third time that you were in the process of falling?”

I said, “totally frustrated and out of control!” It was a huge ‘aha’ moment. I had felt that way my whole life! Yet, I wasn’t consciously aware that I had felt that way, until that moment.

Now, why would I have felt that way more than just a normal kid feeling frustrated because their parents don’t get them? Or out of control, because we’re a kid and we don’t have the reins to our life just yet? 

It’s because I was trapped in utero. My mother started to miscarry. We’re all pretty sure she miscarried my twin, but I couldn’t get out. That little baby, (me), had another plan, like, ‘maybe this is not a good place to be,’ and I wanted to miscarry too, but I was trapped in utero. 

My mother had to stand on her head every hour, on the hour to tip her uterus back into place. 

When I was finally born, the nurse while wheeling my mother on the way to delivery, panicked and held me in!

Holding a baby in, really? How out of control can you be? Finally, after months of being trapped I’m coming out, and now they’re not letting me come out. 

It dramatically impacted how I have responded my whole life. Personality traits like always wanting to be first! And please, “get out of my way! Let me go!” I don’t like to be trapped, or in enclosed spaces. 

It’s really interesting, but there’s so much more to that story, and all the deeper ways I was affected. 

When I finally heard my entire birth story, it explained my volatile relationship with my mother, and gave me so many answers to questions that I had never asked. 

Those unasked questions, because you don’t know what questions to ask! But when you hear your truth, things slot into place, and a little bit of awareness and clarity go a long way. 

So if you’re wondering why you keep getting triggered over the same things, why you keep being in a repetitive pattern of stuckness or anger, sadness, blame, guilt, whatever it is…

Why don’t you book a call with me and let’s have a conversation? I really love to help people understand who they are and why they tick the way that they do. 

And if we’re a good fit, then maybe you want to come and work with me so that I can help you rebalance, heal those limiting patterns and beliefs that you’ve been carrying around with you, some of which might not even be yours!

They might be your parents, they might be your grandparents. Also let’s sort out your energy, because if your energy in your body isn’t flowing properly all that wonderful healing work that you’re doing, is not going to help you as much as it can, because it’s not traveling through your body in the most positive flowing way possible. 

No time like the present. Let’s have a chat. Why not finally heal your birth imprint and clear your subconscious limiting patterns? You’ll be so happy you did! 

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