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When we’re having an pixelated experience, different road blocks that we’ve created ourselves show up in our lives. And they show up in different ways.
So you’ve got to ask yourself a few questions: Are you often, or do you see a pattern developing where you’re walking away from your opportunities and then regretting your choices?
Do you feel like you’re stuck in a current reality where you’re frustrated, and wanting to move forward and trying different ways but nothing’s really working out for you?
Or what about those fears that are blocking your momentum? You know, the “what if” game!
Maybe you’re feeling totally caged or trapped, where you feel like there is no way out, that you don’t have choices or that nothing can possibly change.
That’s a pretty hard place to be in.
Are you engaging in any kind of escapism, or avoidance experiences?
These are all signposts that maybe you have some roadblocks in your way, and that you are still holding some pixelated shadow parts deep within you.
Now, if we all knew about our pixelated parts, they wouldn’t be shadow parts, and wouldn’t be in our subconscious.
We may be intellectually self aware, the great secret that we keep to ourselves in the back of our consciousness somewhere.
So you’ve really got to look at your life deeply and honestly, and ask yourself, “Isn’t it time to finally release some of this stuff, that’s making my life so difficult?”
We really don’t want to have hurdles that we have to jump over all the time.
We want to have a life that’s joyful, in flow and filled with new opportunities and enlightening experiences whether we see them coming or not.
We want to be able to access that higher intelligence that each of us has, and let it integrate into us and flow out of us so that we’re in our best place aligned in whatever circumstance that we can create.
Because at the end of the day, it’s just you and source energy, that’s all there is. So, are you going to love yourself enough to finally let go of any of those anchors that are still holding you down?
When you work with me in From Fear Into Love I am deeply privileged and honoured to teach you how to let go of what no longer serves you, in a graceful and peaceful way.
It is absolutely beautiful to see people shift. You’ll also create rituals that mark your changes and direction in life. When you have these markers in place, then you really will be spiritually conscious in all of your journeys with your finances, relationships, work, community and you’re going to be spiritually conscious of your spirituality, intellectual capabilities, your physicality, everything.
Every aspect of your life takes on a whole new energy, a new vibration and feeling when you finally release the underpinning pixelated parts that are causing all of these roadblocks in the first place.
You’ll also learn how to move stuck energy, and be able to identify where you feel abandoned spiritually, mentally, intellectually, physically and financially.
And you may think, ‘but I’m not abandoned’. Abandonment really is when we are feeling like there’s a lack of something.
So take the example of finance because most people can relate to abundance. When your finances are flowing everything’s great and we feel abundant. But when our finances stop or we’re struggling to meet all of our monthly payments we feel abandoned. The money is abandoning us and we feel that in our body, we feel it mentally, psychologically and we feel it spiritually.
We tap into that feeling of lack and end up embracing that kind of disappointment instead of staying aligned and finding a better way to think about it. We need to reframe that abandonment and tap into our spiritual connection with Source energy and trust that things are going to take a different turn.
Then it’s possible to hook into those opportunities that we have flowing to us every single day. And when we’re aware and in alignment we see that, because they become more obvious. We’re not blocking our vision to all of the help that is at hand all the time. So, when you start to release those pixelated parts, those underpinnings of all of your emotions and issues, you start to come back to yourself, you start to come back home.
So I have two questions to ask you, because in order to make life changing decisions in ourselves, we need to look at ourselves deeply.
So here’s the first question, ask yourself this: How often do you place your needs ahead of others?
And here’s the second question: Do you hold onto things longer after your time with them has come to an end?
So, look at those two questions honestly and truthfully and really feel into it. Where does that make you contract in your body? Your body won’t lie to you!
I know that when we’re letting go of major things in our past, that it can feel really intimidating. And so we tend to run from ourselves or suppress it, or just not deal with it.
But we want to get in touch with all the things that we’ve been running from, all of those secrets to ourselves, we want to have them front and centre so that we can look at them, and really find out who we are and what our potential is so that we can have choice and flow when all of these amazing opportunities that we never saw coming, end up as our experience of life.
You can reach out to me, please private message me, because you can walk away from negativity, because you can choose yourself in a rebellious act of self love. Aren’t you worth it? I know you are.
If you feel you’re ready now to move your energy and be present in your Spiritually Conscious Travels please book a call with me.
Click here: https://bit.ly/SOHealing
And if you haven’t already, please join my free Facebook group, The Spiritually Conscious Traveller to learn how to discover, recognise and release limiting, subconscious, habitual patterns so you can live the life you love.
Click Here to Join: http://bit.ly/SpirituallyConsciousTraveller