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The Spiritually Conscious Traveller is someone who journeys within to discover the hidden shadow parts of themselves so she can heal them and feel fulfilled in her life.
So many of my clients don’t even realise they are holding onto trauma from their childhood that is still affecting their lives and holding them back.
We make our perceptions about ‘how things are’ when we are very young without having all of the facts and understanding the bigger context.
Say your parents had a fight when you were 3 or 4, you didn’t see or hear the argument, but as a result your mother leaves, unannounced, for a couple of days just to regroup. They still love each other, but she needs space from all the demands of young motherhood.
You might have interpreted that as “Mommy doesn’t want me/doesn’t love me/I’m not good enough/ I’m not important enough” when in reality, it had absolutely nothing to do with you.
But now that little kid has that impression firmly set in her psyche and because she believes this, this is now the energy she puts out…feeling less than, not enough, perhaps unworthy. Because that is her new energy imprint, that’s what she continually attracts.
Now, that is a very simplistic example of how it works. Generally most of us bounce back to our happy little selves, but if the mother is continually depressed, for example, or very busy, and that feeling is substantiated again and again over time, then that little kid grows up realising she was right. She’s not enough.
Also, if the parents are struggling either financially, or emotionally and the energy at home is tense, the little child asks Mommy, “Are you okay? What’s the matter?” Because little kids know that something isn’t right.
But instead of explaining to the child that she’s a little worried about something, but in the bigger picture it’s all okay, she tells her child, “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.” Except the little kid knows that isn’t true, because she can feel it.
So now there’s a dilemma. The child has to believe her mother because otherwise her mother would be lying to her. So the little kid chooses to trust her mother and doubt her own knowing in the process.
Then that little kid grows up continually doubting and second guessing herself. Maybe even not trusting anyone or allowing anyone to get close.
Or, maybe not!
But if you are still struggling with anything and are not reaching your potential or fulfilling your dreams, haven’t you wondered why? There’s no obvious hurdles in the way…
So what’s lurking beneath?
This is why I’m always coaching people to look beneath the trigger. Whatever makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, is the trigger. So ask yourself, when was the first time I felt, unheard/unseen/lied to/unworthy/disrespected/betrayed etc. You get the idea.
THEN you’re getting somewhere. Understand WHY you feel the way you do so you can nip it in the bud and heal it, and practice a new, healthier, happier way of being. Stop carrying your childhood around with you!
Are you ready to journey within? I’m ready to facilitate that process for you. Book a complimentary mind-shift call to see if we are a good match to work together.
Schedule your complimentary Mind-Shift Call today. Click here: https://bit.ly/SOHealing
Join my free Facebook Group The Spiritually Conscious Traveller to learn how to discover, recognise and release your limiting, subconscious, habitual patterns so you can live the life you love. Click Here to Join: http://bit.ly/SpirituallyConsciousTraveller