I’ve always said life is about joy. Great. Life’s about joy.
But how do we get there, especially when there’s so much lack of joy going on in the world at any one time?
Finding joy is about transcending fear.
It’s fear that keeps us all stuck. It’s fear that keeps us small, and attached to our comfort zones. It keeps us afraid of looking beyond, away from our faith, in a place of distrust, judgment, blame and sadness.
Fear permeates everyone. So how do we transcend this fear?
Find an awareness of your alignment, so that you can be in touch with what you’re feeling at any given time. I used to be really great about not being in my body and zipping off, flying around in the ethers on my broomstick, so as not to feel all of things that I couldn’t deal with, the horrors of the world.
Being an empath, intuitive and super sensitive it’s harder to feel harsh emotions and the surrounding energy. But somewhere along the line, I realized that actually rising above things so that I was shielded from feeling things wasn’t very helpful.
In order to feel easier being a human living in this world, it’s important to be fully in your human body and feel all of your feelings, because when you’re not feeling your feelings, you’re not in your physical alignment.
Our root chakra is the foundation of our well being and our safety and security. And this starts at birth, with our birth imprint.
So many people don’t ever think about our ancestors. Where did we come from? Think about what our ancestors were going through hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Think about all of the fear they had, because there was so little knowledge available to them about what was coming, or what was going on in the world. Who was that stranger coming into their land? What was going to happen next?
So a lot of our fear of the unknown, our ancestors pioneered through it and set the stage so that we could come to this place now. And indeed, they may have passed down some of their fears that we don’t need to hold onto anymore.
Last week, I went to listen to Anita Moorjani speak. She’s an amazing woman who had stage four cancer and beyond and was in a coma and about to die. She had tumors everywhere, in pain, and her whole family came to say goodbye, and she did die.
She medically died, and talked about seeing her father in spirit, not visually, but seeing a white essence. She said the essence of the Spirit makes themselves known to you.
I was very pleased to hear this, because I’ve seen spirit numerous times in my lifetime, and for me, it was a great confirmation, because I’ve also seen a kind of floating white essence, yet I always seem to know who it is in spirit.
She met her father, who had only unconditional love for her, but he also realized that he was the source of her wounding, and apologized, and they finally created a beautiful relationship. He told her she could die now, or go back and finish her soul’s purpose with her husband, because her soul’s purpose and her husband’s soul purpose were connected and woven together.
She was concerned because she was so sick but her father said she would miraculously heal if she chose to go back.
So after connecting with her dad and various other ancestors for a while, she chose to go back, and in four days, she was miraculously healed. “Impossible,” said all of the doctors. And so Anita Moorjani’s story was born.
She took us all up on a guided meditation in order to connect with spirit. This also was a wonderful confirmation for me, because she said spirit is always listening to us, and that we can talk to spirit out loud and that they will always hear us.
I’ve fundamentally understood this, one of those knowings that I have always had. And ever since my mother died in 2011 I’ve been speaking out loud to her, if not every day, every week, for sure, and Anita Moorjani asked us what we would like to say to spirit.
I loved that because I wanted to apologize to my mother for always talking about the negative side of her, because it’s helpful in my teaching for helping people heal and overcoming their challenging relationships. But I wanted to let my mother know that really, I totally had healed with her before she died, and that I only have love for her. Deep, deep unconditional love for her.
In my mother’s southern drawl she said, “Of course, honey, you just go on and teach. I’m happy to help you in any way!”
Because I’ve always connected to my mother in spirit, it was very easy to connect with her, and I could see and speak toand hear a lot of other spirits as well.
Anita Moorjani said to everyone, “If there’s any one thing that you can take away from this night, it is to live fearlessly. Live fearlessly.”
I’ve understood living fearlessly for a long time at an intellectual level and deeper levels too. But of course, I still have fear, like the rest of people, but this feeling of living fearlessly somehow clicked in at a much deeper level on that night.
We all have fear about so many things, from the littlest thing like, “oh, it’s going to hurt if I rip this band aid off,” to the bigger picture of the fear of the unknown, “what’s going to happen in the world,” the fear of upsetting someone, or of someone judging you. The fear of speaking your truth in case your partner leaves you, or of making someone angry. The fear of being seen as ‘less than,’ or of being offended. There’s so much fear, and it keeps us all small.
Yes, life is about finding joy, and the way that you find joy is by transcending fear.
Here’s a cool thing that an earth angel showed me in New York many years ago, when I was in my in my mid 20s. He drew on a piece of paper a spiral like this,
and he said to me, “Each low part of your life is still higher than the last high part of your life.” Life is a spiral, and we’re going up and up and up. And this really impacted me in my 20s, and I’ve never forgotten about it. And if you think back to a time in your life when you felt like you really had it all together, you looked your best, you felt your best. You felt great in your mind, think about that time. I think about being in my mid to late 40s, and I’d just been in the jungle with the Shipibo tribe for a month. When I came out of the jungle, I felt amazing. I felt that I looked my best, I felt happy in my skin, and I remember thinking in my mind, “Wow, I’ve ascended. I’m in such a good place. I’ve really got it all together!”
And now, years on, I would never go back to that mindset! You couldn’t offer me anything that would make me go back to that “best place” in my mind, because of all of the evolution that I’ve had since then. And why? Because I do the work.
Obviously I’d love to look like I looked in my 40’s again, but I’m in a different phase of life now and still feel great in my skin for where I’m at now.
Having information is one thing, but applying the information to your life and actually integrating it, taking action and practicing what you know and what you’ve heard about, that’s where the evolution comes from.
That is how you transcend fear. You keep chipping away at it. If you’re focusing on fear all of the time, then Law of Attraction, that’s what you’re going to call in.
You can focus on fear, or you can focus on joy.
You can focus on division, or you can focus on unity.
You can focus on love.
You can focus on awakening.
You can focus on healing.
You can focus on community and connection, holding, integration. You can focus on so many different things. And when you focus on something that is of a higher vibration than fear, of which there are many, guess what? That’s what you will attract.
Sometimes people can feel very small and insignificant in the world and feel like there’s no hope and nothing that they can do, except that we all can do something, because it starts right here with each one of us.
And talk to your ancestors! Go into deep meditation and go up and connect to your ancestors. As Anita Moorjani confirmed, receive the first piece of information, whatever thought drops into your mind, because she said that spirit is always downloading thoughts into us, and that it will always be unconditionally loving and positive. If you’re receiving negative information, you’re not connecting with spirit.
I’ve been doing this regularly for 20 years anyway, so for me, it was very easy to go up, connect and receive information, and to trust what I was receiving and connecting to. I’ve been practicing getting out of my own way for years when I’m receiving information. So trust what you receive.
Meditate, go up and talk to your ancestors. Ask for guidance. Ask them for answers as to why you are in the fearful, stuck place that you’re in right now. Because they set the stage for you, and they can help you transcend through it, and when you do your personal work to help yourself heal and evolve and transcend your fear, guess what? You’re healing your ancestral line too.
We’re always in communion with our ancestors, and they’re always in communion with us. So right now, if you don’t feel like you have anyone to hold on to, reach out and hold on to your ancestors, because they can give you so much clarity.
A little bit of understanding can help you transcend further than you ever think is possible right now. Do your best to stay in alignment, and to get grounded in your root chakra.
If your root chakra is unbalanced, it’s because you’re not grounded. You’re not connected to the earth or your feelings, or you’re not fully in your body, and if you’re not in alignment, you can’t move forward, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, you’re just stuck. So get back into alignment so that you can move forward and transcend through your fear.
You might like to tune into Transformation Talk Radio
I think it’s also going to be broadcasting live on Facebook and YouTube on December 10th, which is a Tuesday at 10am PST, 1pm EST, 6pm UK time. It’s the first show that I’m co- hosting with Dr Pat called Beyond Birth Trauma – From Burden To Brilliance, and I’m super excited about it.
Or you can look at shannonbtb.com which will take you to my TV page.
I’d love to hear from you, especially if you’ve had an interesting or challenging birth experience. In February when Beyond Birth Trauma – From Burden To Brilliance becomes my own show twice a month (2nd and 4th Tuesdays) I’ll be interviewing people about their experiences and how their birth imprint has manifested in their lives, and what to do about it, as well as offering a live healing at the end of the show.