Unlock the Missing Link: How to Make the Law of Attraction FINALLY Work for You! πŸ”‘βœ¨

Most of us by now have heard about the Law of Attraction, and wonder why it’s not working? 

I have this outcome that I want to have happen, and I think about it all the time, and I’m visualizing it, but it’s still not happening. 

Just like we have our birth imprint when we’re born, the somewhat self-fulfilling energetic blueprint that’s set up for us, because of the environment that we’re born into, and the things we pick up from our parents, what they say and don’t say, what they model, what they don’t model, and how we perceive all of it. 

It’s a similar blueprint that we’re setting up with the Law of Attraction. You can have the outcome in your mind and visualizing it is one thing, getting into the feeling of it, however, is another. 

To help you get into the feeling, you need to create an energetic blueprint, like an energetic pathway, to invite that thing in for you.

Here’s a wonderful thing to say if you want more money every month. Say, out loud, β€œI’m so happy that every day I’m witnessing the evidence of more money coming into my account.” Over and over! Or, β€œ I’m so happy that every day I’m experiencing the evidence of getting fitter in my body.” 

Whatever it is that you want, keep affirming it out loud. Your voice is a vibration that goes out into the Universe when you speak or pray out loud. That vibration with consistent affirmation is creating an energetic pathway so that that thing that isn’t there with you yet, because you’re saying that you can see it all the time happening, you’re creating that energetic pathway for it to come to you. 

It’s the same way as reprogramming our neural pathways. They’ve been running along the same line getting more and more ingrained for years and years. We finally break that receptor off there, and create a new energetic pathway, a new neural pathway, by first, healing the old stuff and then affirming the new stuff. 

So if your vision of the future is not coming to you when you’re doing all of that, perhaps there’s some old stuff that still needs to be healed, right? 

And that’s when you find somebody like me, a healer who can help you reprogram your neural pathways, who can help you sort out your energy, who can educate you on the things that you might be missing because it’s your own stuff, and when we’re in the middle of our own stuff, we don’t often see the bigger picture. 

So get another person’s perspective, and finally, let the law of attraction start working for you, so that you can get out of your own way and invite it in on the pathway that you create for it. Book a free 20 minute mind-shift call, for a new perspective on your current situation.

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