Divine Timing!

Divine Timing! Are you wondering when yours is supposed to be? Maybe you are blocking your own flow by staying in the struggle. Are you asking the right questions out loud to receive the information you need to move forward? Are you focussing on all the things that haven’t happened “correctly” instead of re-framing them […]

Where Are You Putting Your Focus?

Are you focussing on what you don’t have? That’s keeping you in a place of lack. Are you focussing on what’s not working instead of deciding that it will? Are you focussing on your lack of health instead of your vitality? Get yourself set up for the day! Start your day with high vibrational happy […]

How Much Do You Value Yourself?

When we don’t invest in ourselves we are telling our brains, our subconscious that we are not worthy! Superficially we invest in ourselves, but that’s like dabbling with our light. Luckily I had a homeopath all those years ago who saw my potential even when I couldn’t and asked me what I was going to […]

Are You Communicating Effectively?

Are You Communicating Effectively? Are you speaking from the first person and owning your own feelings? Or are you projecting your feelings onto someone else and constantly triggering them which inevitably backfires and triggers you? Learning to communicate from a place of alignment will allow your relationships to flow and heal. Join my free Facebook […]

Who Is Holding You Accountable?

Who Is Holding You Accountable? Everyone needs a coach to hold them in their highest light, to keep them accelerating forward on their spiritual path, to help illuminate where that person may be stuck. It’s easy to see what our clients need, but what about putting your OWN well being first? If we do not […]

Are you Strong Enough To Be Vulnerable?

Are you strong enough to be vulnerable? It’s so important to share our stories and our truths with others because it lets people know they are not alone in how they feel. We are so inhibited about sharing for fear of being judged. But when we are fearing that, we are not trusting our truth […]

Co-Hosting with The Stream of David on Spirituality Gone Wild

David Strickel who channels The Stream invited me to co-host his show last night. If you have an hour and 37 minutes, please join us! We had a great conversation talking about past lives, extracting entities, raising your vibration and healing your wounds so you can manifest your dreams and live your best life. Please […]

Are You In A Place of Resistance?

Are you in a place of Resistance? Resistance is not allowing your God Given ability to create and be in a place of love and connection. Resistance is your ego not willing to relinquish control because to do so would mean to surrender and trust! Be the Deer and leap gracefully and effortlessly over life’s […]

Fearing Transformation?

Fearing Transformation? You think you will totally lose yourself and become a different person? You fear you won’t be able to have as much “fun,” or that you will lose everyone and everything that is dear to you? These are just projections coming from the place of fear you are currently in! We get so […]

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