Do You Get Exasperated Too Easily?

Do You Get EXASPERATED Easily? When we allow the small stuff to steal our energy and knock us out of alignment we are fragmenting our higher vibration to focus on irrelevant and unimportant things instead! We end up having a momentary drama over nothing and in the process we get knocked out of our centre. […]

Interview With My Student After Graduating from My Course From Fear Into Love

Interview with my student Nancy Marie Forsyth after finishing my eight week online class called From Fear Into Love. How you can learn to notice your triggers, heal the underlying root beliefs, stop reacting with upset and have clarity to live a peaceful and happy life. In eight weeks you will raise your vibration to […]


DECIDE!! Are you stuck in indecision? When you are not making a choice you are telling the Universe that you are not ready to move forward and you keep yourself stuck. It’s a stealthy form of self sabotage. The energy doesn’t move. The pressure of not making a decision wears you down, because you aren’t […]

Are You Buying Into Fear Based Collective Consciousness?

Are you Buying into Fear Based Collective Consciousness? As healers it’s easy to get dragged out of alignment because we feel the energy of others so easily and sometimes we take it on as our own. But are you actively focussing on YOUR truth and co-creating the reality and world you want with Source Energy? […]

Paralysed By Fear?

Paralysed by Fear? Once you make the decision to look under the bed, you will see that the monster is NOT there! We are so fearful of the unknown that it keeps us contracted and stuck in our day to day place of unfulfillment and/ or worry. We fear being judged, being successful or failing […]

Interview with my Student Nancy Forsyth

Meet Nancy Marie Forsyth one of my students in my eight week change your life class From Fear Into Love. She joins this video at about 12.30 minutes in. Before that I’m discussing your triggers! WHY stay in a place of struggle and reacting to triggers with such intense emotion when you CAN CHANGE the […]

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