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We need courage to be spontaneous and willing to take a risk, spiritually, financially, mentally, physically, intellectually in every which way, because all of those things are not independent of each other.
They are every part of us and it feels like it’s a huge risk to invest in ourselves because that doesn’t seem to be the norm. The norm is to invest in a material thing outside of ourselves, even like a trip, an aeroplane ticket and the experience that comes with it.
But we have this mind blowing, gut wrenching hesitation when it comes to having the courage to invest in ourselves, and that’s probably because at some deep level we feel like we’re not really worth it. That means that we really don’t have enough self awareness.
What self awareness within us looks like, is having more charisma, more confidence, yet we don’t know how to get it – or being spontaneous, which is really what being a spiritually conscious traveller is all about.
We can recognise, “Yes, here’s an opportunity I’m having an inspired moment. Right on! I’m going to jump on this, and trust, because I know that things are always working out for me.”
So when we lose our spontaneity, we lose that self awareness because we get kind of stuck. We lose our self confidence because we get stuck in limbo, because we’re not taking a risk anymore.
It stunts us and I’ve often talked about stepping outside of your uncomfortable comfort zone to evolve yet most of us have our sort of routine and life’s just gliding along.
However, in order to really grow and evolve, we need to push ourselves we need to take a step outside of the comfort zone, and you’ll see, the whole world does not come crashing down. In fact, it gets better!
Usually we have an aha moment, or a spiritual revelation or something major happens or new opportunities start to come to us because we’ve just ruffled our own vibrations so that we could allow openings for a higher vibration to come in so that we could align to something better.
And so really, we’ve got to start laughing. We’ve got to start laughing at our circumstances. We’ve got to start laughing in order to remember who we really are, because you’ve got to have that happy ‘go to place’, the place that makes you start laughing, even if it’s just you alone driving in the car.
I can be very self entertaining and laugh right out loud at any moment. And what happens is it puts your energy in alignment, immediately, and when we get into that laughter vibration which is much higher than fear, we can start to feel aligned and start to remember our self confidence, spontaneity and tap into those better feelings. Then we’ll have MORE inspired moments, feel more resourceful, and everything will shift as a result of that.
If you can laugh to remember, then you’ll start to notice that these things that are holding you back are going to start to dissolve and move out of your life.
Things are going to start to flow, and all of those pixelated pieces that are along your life’s timeline are going to be gathered up so that they can be removed, because it just takes one ‘aha’ moment to shift a whole lot of old stuff.
We need to be conscious of the unconscious, so that we can gather up all of those shadow parts and heal them. And this is what’s happening and why people are losing their spontaneity because we’re getting very comfortable in our limbo-land.
When people are not very self aware, they start to get really frustrated because they’re consciously setting themselves back. They’re basically waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I hear it all the time in the things that people say, that ‘yes but’ game when people ask for help and then they say, ‘oh yes but…’, or, if people say, “Oh, everything’s just going along great. I wonder when this is all going to end?”
They are inviting in that kind of sabotage energy all the time. They end up recreating their experience just like being on a hamster wheel, going around and around and around.
Without self awareness, you’re not paying attention to what you’re actually thinking because our thoughts are real things, just like energy, our thoughts, our words, our actions, they all cause their own momentum.
So you’ve got to clean up what you’re thinking about. Now, because a lot of people already have money, but are still lacking their big dream, let’s just put money to one side. Money is not an option.
So here’s the question: What is the thing that’s always getting in the way of your big dreams? It could be an image of a past experience, it could be a thought, a feeling, it could be a memory. What is the thing?
And the second question, and go ahead and write this down: If you could do anything with total certainty that it would work out, what would that be? And now brainstorm to find a way to set that energy in motion!
So if you’re ready to have the courage that’s needed to make the investment in yourself financially, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, because it’s all parts of ourselves, all parts of our life, every part of our slice of the life’s pie that goes together – if you’re ready to take that risk and become more self aware, then let’s get rid of that fear induced limbo.
Allow me to help guide you back into conscious spontaneity. If you’re ready to do that, I would really love to have a conversation with you. Go ahead and book a call if you’re finally ready to take that leap and get yourself out of whatever kind of limbo, you might be in right now.
If you feel you’re ready now to move your energy and be present in your Spiritually Conscious Travels then please book a call with me.
Click here: https://bit.ly/SOHealing
And if you haven’t already, please join my free Facebook group, The Spiritually Conscious Traveller to learn how to discover, recognise and release limiting, subconscious, habitual patterns so you can live the life you love.
Click Here to Join: http://bit.ly/SpirituallyConsciousTraveller
Download the Abundance Blockers e-book for $11.11 www.shannonoflaherty.com/shop