Your Parents Sins Can Be Your Greatest Gift

In the healing world we tend to focus on all of the bad stuff that we inherited from our parents; the limiting beliefs, subconscious behaviors, and repeating patterns. Yes, all of that does come from there, but we’ve also modeled a lot of really great stuff from our parents. Even if you think that your […]

Why Sharing Your Story Is So Important

ears ago, I was on a course called The Possibility of Women with Carol McCall. It was a very interesting weekend.  For the first half of the workshop I was uncharacteristically  nervous, even just standing up having to introduce myself, I felt self conscious and anxious. All weekend, I kept seeing little white angel feathers […]

Could Your Overwhelm Be Birth Related?

Could your overwhelm be birth related?  How could overwhelm have anything to do with my birth? You might wonder, but our birth experiences are stored in our subconscious memories, not just from the time that we’re in utero, but ancestrally before that. But that’s another story.  When we, as babies are born, it impacts our […]

Your Birth Experience Can Have Lifelong Effects

Did you know that your birth experience can have lifelong effects on who you are as a person? It can impact why you tick the way you do, why you perceive things the way that you do, your ability to handle conflicts, your ability to handle stress, it could even affect your coordination or early […]

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