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When people ask me what I do, I deliver my elevator pitch of being a spiritual coach, therapist, shaman, helping people shift, releasing limiting belief systems, balancing your energy field etc. But still, no one really knows what I do! And somewhere along the way I’ve lost their interest – too “woo-woo.”
Simplicity is a wonderful thing. So now I say, “As a Spiritually Conscious Traveller, I am in the business of happiness.”
We are all on life’s journey and in order to heal and live a happy, aligned life we must travel within to unearth whatever is suppressed that is subconsciously holding us back in our day to day to reality.
I also take groups to Peru on Spiritual Shamanic retreats when there is not a pandemic. Travelling is the best education on so many levels and gets us out of our comfort zones so we can expand into more enlightened versions of ourselves. Experiencing other cultures, especially in 3rd world countries, makes us appreciate our day to day privileges that we generally take for granted.
I’m sure you’ve heard that we are all Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. The word “spiritual” in itself makes people’s shields come up. It just means being connected to Source Energy, Infinite Intelligence, The Universe, God, call it what you will, free from judgement, free from blame, anger, fear, mistrust. Being spiritual means being open to receive the abundance of signs and messages that are all around us every day if we are willing to notice them.
We spend on average a third of our lives working so what we do impacts the rest of our lives greatly. If your motivation to work comes from a place of fear of loss, like not having money to pay the mortgage or rent or buy food and basic life necessities, it is likely that you will stay stuck in an unsatisfying job or career.
Even though we ALL need to earn money to pay for basic life necessities how would it be if our motivation to do that came from a place of joy instead?
“I’m so happy I can pay the rent and buy food, that makes me feel good. It makes me feel independent and self sufficient to be able to find an enjoyable way to do that.” Same situation, slightly different perspective. DRAMATICALLY different vibration!
I hate washing the dishes. So I can focus on resisting washing the dishes, or the joy of having a clean kitchen. I know which outcome I’d prefer! Because it’s a daily chore, I can also make the decision to have a dishwasher plumbed in so I don’t need to give it any more of my precious energy.
We complicate our lives with all the small things that are either annoying, or circumstances that are downright depressing or stressful. We create that. I know that’s a hard concept for many to accept, but we are the masters of our own reality.
We have the power to choose to focus on what makes us feel happy, or we can choose to stay wallowing in the frustration of everything that isn’t working for us!
When we are conscious about our connection to Source, and are purposefully choosing a higher vibration, in other words, something that feels better, then that’s what we will naturally attract. Like attracts like. It has knock on effects to other parts of your life.
Take exercise for example. It releases endorphins that make you feel happier. And when we feel happy, naturally we take better care of ourselves, we eat more healthily, we get more sleep, we laugh more, we have more energy so perhaps we have a better social life too.
Constantly focussing on how tired we are, or how poor or stressed or, or, or….we have become habitual robots to simply give in to this ingrained behaviour and then confirm it by saying it out loud for all the world to hear! Our voices are a vibration too, so what you say matters.
When you practice raising your vibration to a place of happiness, even when met with obstacles, life takes on another level of BEing.
For me when I am allowing the Universe to “speak to me” and trusting that it will all work out in the bigger picture, it feels like I am more actively participating in my own BEingness and I absolutely have more fun in the process.
Yes, I had to train myself to have new, better habits and it was worth it to me because I didn’t want to feel unhappy in myself, or angry at the world, or stuck in a job I didn’t care about.
What people don’t realise is that when you shift your vibration to one of happiness and it becomes your default mode without having to work at it, so many new opportunities come your way.
We create our opportunities through vibrational attraction, and that happens when we manage to find happiness regardless of what’s going on around us. Dive within, do the personal work necessary to discover what is at the root of your discomfort and once you know that, it’s much easier to heal, re-frame, and choose another way to look at life.
We are products of our parents and environment and modelled after them whatever they were doing/not doing, saying/not saying, showing/not showing. As children we made a decision to either believe them and follow in their footsteps or chose to go our own way and live our own lives fully without still being attached to feeling like we have to please them, or feeling like we are disappointing them, or need to prove something to them.
But all we really have to do is appreciate our parents. Appreciate our childhood and how we were raised, even if it was awful, what DID you get out of it? I know people with terrible childhoods and many of them are the most resourceful and resilient people I know.
If you feel you’re ready now to move your energy and be present in your Spiritually Conscious Travels then please book a call with me.
Click here: https://bit.ly/SOHealing
And if you haven’t already, please join my free Facebook group, The Spiritually Conscious Traveller Global Community to learn how to discover, recognise and release limiting, subconscious, habitual patterns so you can live the life you love.
Click Here to Join: http://bit.ly/SpirituallyConsciousTraveller
Download the Abundance Blockers e-book for $11.11 www.shannonoflaherty.com/shop
We are adults and get to choose if we want ice-cream for dinner, or cold pizza for breakfast, so why can’t we simply choose to be happy about whatever it is that comes our way? Tragedy happens, and naturally we plummet into despair, but how long you stay in despair is up to you.
I’m not talking about spiritual bypassing, floating on a cloud of joy all the time, that’s not realistic. We will continually have challenges. Humans learn through contrast. So embrace the contrast after you deal with and feel the tough emotion, and find whatever part of it offers you a new perspective that can help you expand your consciousness and happiness factor.
Happiness is a state of mind. The more you practice the easier it becomes until it’s just how you generally feel on a day to day basis. Make it your business to practice happiness.