Is Your Confidence An Act?

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When you look in the mirror do you see some kind of inadequacy?  It is a common trait this “not being good enough’ that plagues so many people.

Of course we can all be confident about whatever our skill set is. Whatever it is that you do, whether you’re a teacher or if you cook really well; whether you’re a healer or you’re really great at computer technology.

Whatever your job is, you probably feel confident about that, because you’ve put in many, many hours of learning and practising. The more you practice, the more time you commit to whatever the skill set is, the better you get at it so you can feel confident.

That confidence can can be a lasting thing like horseback riding. I used to be a great rider, won blue ribbons and stuff like that. And even though I haven’t ridden horses for many years, I still feel confident that I could get on a horse and ride pretty well. I still have the confidence because it was something that I once did extremely well.

We can all fake it, about anything. In fact, I think it’s good to “fake it until you make it” because sometimes that’s where confidence comes from. But are you wearing this veil of self confidence out there every day?

Maybe you’re really confident at what you do, but you’re terrified to leave the house every day without make-up on, or you’re overly body conscious, or perhaps you’re terrified about driving. Maybe you’re a super shy person and are anxious about meeting new people or having to engage in conversation.

There’s all sorts of things that people can be terrified about, but I’m not talking about phobias. I’m talking about our underlying lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence that underlies everything else that we do.

If you have this underlying lack of confidence – this fear, lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence, not trusting what you know, doubting what you think, feeling fearful when you can’t really explain it.

You have an opportunity to allow yourself so much more. So much more! It’s time to release something in your life.  Basically, a block that you’ve made. And you’ve created a belief about it so that it’s become your reality.

Then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy; we set up our lives based on the beliefs that we’ve made up.

And we’ve made up these beliefs based on our experiences, and the perceptions that we made as children, when we didn’t have all of the answers.

So we’re living in this kind of false paradigm. With this block that’s holding us back from being the best version of ourselves that we can be.

The most powerful moment, any of us have, is this moment right now. And this moment right now. Every moment, in the now, because when we’re not paying attention to our full alignment and who we are and how we’re showing up for ourselves in this moment, in our every moment, that underlying fear, that subconscious fear that we don’t even know is playing below the surface and is chipping away at us.

That fear is the lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence. And of course then that fear leads to much deeper, bigger fears like depression and anxiety when you’re in a full time spiral down without any kind of light at the end of the tunnel.

Moving into love is really about letting go of something in your past, that’s been important to you.

And even if this thing that you’re letting go of in your past is this block – the false belief that you’ve made up – it served you in some way.  It’s either kept you safe, to keep you separate from people, or it’s kept you in a small place so that other people around you could shine their light brighter.

When kids have parents who are bigger than life, it’s very hard for the child to be just as big and shine their bright light because their parents are so busy stealing the limelight. There’s so many different variations of this.

In order to move yourself into love, you’ve got to let go of this thing that you’ve been holding onto subconsciously your whole life, this block, this belief. This false paradigm.

You need to weigh up the pros and cons to eliminate the shards of all of these pixelated pieces that you’ve been carrying around with you your whole life.

When you’re wondering, “Why can’t I move forward? Why can’t I seem to be as confident in every other aspect and area of my life as I am with _________X?”

It’s time to find your level of self esteem as a spiritually conscious traveller through this life. It’s time to move permanently from fear into a place of constant and consistent joy and love.

Regardless of all of those things that have been weighing you down your whole life. It’s time to let them go and release.

So even when you’re facing an unknown situation, you can meet that unknown situation with an air of confidence about you, with a feeling of,  “Okay well, whatever is going to be thrown at me, that’s okay, because I’m secure inside myself, I’m in alignment, and I can handle this. And I can be confident that whatever is thrown at me, that I can think on my feet, and that I can respond in an adult, practical and efficient way.”

Instead of reacting and spiralling down and being triggered. Now, even if you’re triggered – because we all do get triggered – it’s still okay. You realise, “I’m being triggered, so great. That’s really good information, some contrast so that I can look into this, as opposed to freaking out about it.”

This is where confidence at an underlying level to everything comes in because then you can show up in a conscious state of mind, and deal with your triggers confidently, instead of spiralling into drama.

Think about your being. Our confidence is usually directly related with something that we’re doing. But think about your every day. How do you want to be? What are you always working towards? Where are the areas in your life where you can use more confidence? What undermines your confidence? These are all really good questions.

When you start to clear out all of those pixelated pieces and start to see that everything can be a straight and joyous path, your confidence does rise up to the surface.

I’d love to help you experience that so that you can be in alignment and congruent with that feeling, every day.When you look in the mirror do you see some kind of inadequacy?  It is a common trait this “not being good enough’ that plagues so many people.

Of course we can all be confident about whatever our skill set is. Whatever it is that you do, whether you’re a teacher or if you cook really well; whether you’re a healer or you’re really great at computer technology.

Whatever your job is, you probably feel confident about that, because you’ve put in many, many hours of learning and practising. The more you practice, the more time you commit to whatever the skill set is, the better you get at it so you can feel confident.

That confidence can can be a lasting thing like horseback riding. I used to be a great rider, won blue ribbons and stuff like that. And even though I haven’t ridden horses for many years, I still feel confident that I could get on a horse and ride pretty well. I still have the confidence because it was something that I once did extremely well.

We can all fake it, about anything. In fact, I think it’s good to “fake it until you make it” because sometimes that’s where confidence comes from. But are you wearing this veil of self confidence out there every day?

Maybe you’re really confident at what you do, but you’re terrified to leave the house every day without make-up on, or you’re overly body conscious, or perhaps you’re terrified about driving. Maybe you’re a super shy person and are anxious about meeting new people or having to engage in conversation.

There’s all sorts of things that people can be terrified about, but I’m not talking about phobias. I’m talking about our underlying lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence that underlies everything else that we do.

If you have this underlying lack of confidence – this fear, lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence, not trusting what you know, doubting what you think, feeling fearful when you can’t really explain it.

You have an opportunity to allow yourself so much more. So much more! It’s time to release something in your life.  Basically, a block that you’ve made. And you’ve created a belief about it so that it’s become your reality.

Then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy; we set up our lives based on the beliefs that we’ve made up.

And we’ve made up these beliefs based on our experiences, and the perceptions that we made as children, when we didn’t have all of the answers.

So we’re living in this kind of false paradigm. With this block that’s holding us back from being the best version of ourselves that we can be.

The most powerful moment, any of us have, is this moment right now. And this moment right now. Every moment, in the now, because when we’re not paying attention to our full alignment and who we are and how we’re showing up for ourselves in this moment, in our every moment, that underlying fear, that subconscious fear that we don’t even know is playing below the surface and is chipping away at us.

That fear is the lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence. And of course then that fear leads to much deeper, bigger fears like depression and anxiety when you’re in a full time spiral down without any kind of light at the end of the tunnel.

Moving into love is really about letting go of something in your past, that’s been important to you.

And even if this thing that you’re letting go of in your past is this block – the false belief that you’ve made up – it served you in some way.  It’s either kept you safe, to keep you separate from people, or it’s kept you in a small place so that other people around you could shine their light brighter.

When kids have parents who are bigger than life, it’s very hard for the child to be just as big and shine their bright light because their parents are so busy stealing the limelight. There’s so many different variations of this.

In order to move yourself into love, you’ve got to let go of this thing that you’ve been holding onto subconsciously your whole life, this block, this belief. This false paradigm.

You need to weigh up the pros and cons to eliminate the shards of all of these pixelated pieces that you’ve been carrying around with you your whole life.

When you’re wondering, “Why can’t I move forward? Why can’t I seem to be as confident in every other aspect and area of my life as I am with _________X?”

It’s time to find your level of self esteem as a spiritually conscious traveller through this life. It’s time to move permanently from fear into a place of constant and consistent joy and love.

Regardless of all of those things that have been weighing you down your whole life. It’s time to let them go and release.

So even when you’re facing an unknown situation, you can meet that unknown situation with an air of confidence about you, with a feeling of,  “Okay well, whatever is going to be thrown at me, that’s okay, because I’m secure inside myself, I’m in alignment, and I can handle this. And I can be confident that whatever is thrown at me, that I can think on my feet, and that I can respond in an adult, practical and efficient way.”

Instead of reacting and spiralling down and being triggered. Now, even if you’re triggered – because we all do get triggered – it’s still okay. You realise, “I’m being triggered, so great. That’s really good information, some contrast so that I can look into this, as opposed to freaking out about it.”

This is where confidence at an underlying level to everything comes in because then you can show up in a conscious state of mind, and deal with your triggers confidently, instead of spiralling into drama.

Think about your being. Our confidence is usually directly related with something that we’re doing. But think about your every day. How do you want to be? What are you always working towards? Where are the areas in your life where you can use more confidence? What undermines your confidence? These are all really good questions.

When you start to clear out all of those pixelated pieces and start to see that everything can be a straight and joyous path, your confidence does rise up to the surface.

I’d love to help you experience that so that you can be in alignment and congruent with that feeling, every day.

When you look in the mirror do you see some kind of inadequacy?  It is a common trait this “not being good enough’ that plagues so many people.

Of course we can all be confident about whatever our skill set is. Whatever it is that you do, whether you’re a teacher or if you cook really well; whether you’re a healer or you’re really great at computer technology.

Whatever your job is, you probably feel confident about that, because you’ve put in many, many hours of learning and practising. The more you practice, the more time you commit to whatever the skill set is, the better you get at it so you can feel confident.

That confidence can can be a lasting thing like horseback riding. I used to be a great rider, won blue ribbons and stuff like that. And even though I haven’t ridden horses for many years, I still feel confident that I could get on a horse and ride pretty well. I still have the confidence because it was something that I once did extremely well.

We can all fake it, about anything. In fact, I think it’s good to “fake it until you make it” because sometimes that’s where confidence comes from. But are you wearing this veil of self confidence out there every day?

Maybe you’re really confident at what you do, but you’re terrified to leave the house every day without make-up on, or you’re overly body conscious, or perhaps you’re terrified about driving. Maybe you’re a super shy person and are anxious about meeting new people or having to engage in conversation.

There’s all sorts of things that people can be terrified about, but I’m not talking about phobias. I’m talking about our underlying lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence that underlies everything else that we do.

If you have this underlying lack of confidence – this fear, lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence, not trusting what you know, doubting what you think, feeling fearful when you can’t really explain it.

You have an opportunity to allow yourself so much more. So much more! It’s time to release something in your life.  Basically, a block that you’ve made. And you’ve created a belief about it so that it’s become your reality.

Then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy; we set up our lives based on the beliefs that we’ve made up.

And we’ve made up these beliefs based on our experiences, and the perceptions that we made as children, when we didn’t have all of the answers.

So we’re living in this kind of false paradigm. With this block that’s holding us back from being the best version of ourselves that we can be.

The most powerful moment, any of us have, is this moment right now. And this moment right now. Every moment, in the now, because when we’re not paying attention to our full alignment and who we are and how we’re showing up for ourselves in this moment, in our every moment, that underlying fear, that subconscious fear that we don’t even know is playing below the surface and is chipping away at us.

That fear is the lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence. And of course then that fear leads to much deeper, bigger fears like depression and anxiety when you’re in a full time spiral down without any kind of light at the end of the tunnel.

Moving into love is really about letting go of something in your past, that’s been important to you.

And even if this thing that you’re letting go of in your past is this block – the false belief that you’ve made up – it served you in some way.  It’s either kept you safe, to keep you separate from people, or it’s kept you in a small place so that other people around you could shine their light brighter.

When kids have parents who are bigger than life, it’s very hard for the child to be just as big and shine their bright light because their parents are so busy stealing the limelight. There’s so many different variations of this.

In order to move yourself into love, you’ve got to let go of this thing that you’ve been holding onto subconsciously your whole life, this block, this belief. This false paradigm.

You need to weigh up the pros and cons to eliminate the shards of all of these pixelated pieces that you’ve been carrying around with you your whole life.

When you’re wondering, “Why can’t I move forward? Why can’t I seem to be as confident in every other aspect and area of my life as I am with _________X?”

It’s time to find your level of self esteem as a spiritually conscious traveller through this life. It’s time to move permanently from fear into a place of constant and consistent joy and love.

Regardless of all of those things that have been weighing you down your whole life. It’s time to let them go and release.

So even when you’re facing an unknown situation, you can meet that unknown situation with an air of confidence about you, with a feeling of,  “Okay well, whatever is going to be thrown at me, that’s okay, because I’m secure inside myself, I’m in alignment, and I can handle this. And I can be confident that whatever is thrown at me, that I can think on my feet, and that I can respond in an adult, practical and efficient way.”

Instead of reacting and spiralling down and being triggered. Now, even if you’re triggered – because we all do get triggered – it’s still okay. You realise, “I’m being triggered, so great. That’s really good information, some contrast so that I can look into this, as opposed to freaking out about it.”

This is where confidence at an underlying level to everything comes in because then you can show up in a conscious state of mind, and deal with your triggers confidently, instead of spiralling into drama.

Think about your being. Our confidence is usually directly related with something that we’re doing. But think about your every day. How do you want to be? What are you always working towards? Where are the areas in your life where you can use more confidence? What undermines your confidence? These are all really good questions.

When you start to clear out all of those pixelated pieces and start to see that everything can be a straight and joyous path, your confidence does rise up to the surface.

I’d love to help you experience that so that you can be in alignment and congruent with that feeling, every day.

If you feel you’re ready now to move your energy and be present in your Spiritually Conscious Travels then please book a call with me.
Click here:

And if you haven’t already, please join my free Facebook group, The Spiritually Conscious Traveller to learn how to discover, recognise and release limiting, subconscious, habitual patterns so you can live the life you love.

Click Here to Join:

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