What Are Your Recurring Frustrations?

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What are your recurring frustrations? Everyone has them from housework to room-mates, jobs to letting go, or communication and boundaries.

We The People, are missing the signs from the universe; things we are supposed to pay attention to. That’s why you’re getting frustrated.

People get really oversensitive to recurring patterns. First of all, a recurring pattern in itself is a sign from the universe. It’s recurring because it’s something that you need to look at.

Instead of emotion moving through our body, we end up holding on to that emotion. And it blocks our energetic, universal request. That energetic universal request doesn’t even have to be spoken, although that’s something to think about because most people don’t even ask out loud for what they want.

But in that moment of wanting something different, like “oh, this housework is so frustrating. I wish I didn’t have to do the housework. I wish I could hire a cleaner or I wish my husband would help me or I wish the kids would help me.” Whatever you’re thinking that you want different is your universal energetic request going out.

The problem is that we tend to have childlike responses to those moments of frustration because it’s attached to different experiences that we’ve had in the past. All those past experiences are supposed to help alleviate the problem. We become wiser by learning from past mistakes. But instead we end up suppressing these feelings.

Writers have writer’s block because they can’t imagine a different way forward. We stay frustrated because we get stuck. We get stuck in our old patterns. So we create this inner struggle with our mind to be free from this prison that we ourselves are creating.

It’s a vicious circle going on. It’s a struggle. And so our minds, our brains can only seem to draw from the past. Even if it’s not something that we’re consciously remembering. We are tapping in to our mother complaining about the housework. Our roommates are triggering us because they remind us of our siblings and how annoying they were. Our jobs perhaps make us remember that our dads, when we were little, were never at home or he was always stressed or he was always complaining about his job. We are unable to let go of something because we fear that non-attachment.

And very few people ever learn clear communication from their parents! And setting boundaries? Unlikely. So our brains and our minds go into the past and focus on those things.

But our hearts are in the present. What we want to do is bring our head and our heart into alignment with our gut. Because our gut holds the future stuff that we want to call in.

When we’re in the present moment, we get really motivated by innovative ideas that can manifest right now. If we’re in alignment. If we have our head, our heart and our gut, all in alignment with each other and we are in the present, we get that inspired ‘aha’ moment and immediately we take action.

That’s what happens when you’re in alignment. But if you’re not in alignment energy gets stuck because you’re not in the present. You’re not in your heart-present moment. As a result your mind takes over with all of those habitual behavioural responses, all of those learned patterns that you’ve been practising your entire life.

What’s supposed to happen is the inspired energy comes into your body, without your brain and your mind getting in the way like overthinking things, or focusing on all of the negativity and the lack and remembering old sad, angry stuff. You are subconsciously choosing to struggle with frustration, instead of leaving it with the other person or just simply allowing the possibilities to just Be.

When you’re not allowing all of the possibilities to just Be, the housework, room-mate, job, the communication, letting go or boundaries, whatever it is, essentially we’re putting a judgement on it. We’re not allowing the ‘what ifs’ of all the possibilities to actually blossom into something. Because struggle is resistance. And resistance is fear.  Not allowing the possibilities to just Be is under-lied by fear so you’re struggling with all of these things and feeling frustrated.

Struggle shows up in many different forms. Avoidance is a form of struggle, it’s a stealthy way that we shove everything under the carpet because we don’t want to deal with it. Self Sabotage is a form of struggle; overwhelm; anger; worry; frustration; guilt; shame; blame, not owning your own part in something.  When I talk about owning your own part, I’m also talking about energetically. In other words, the energy that you put out.

So even if you’re not saying something negative or ugly to the person that you’re frustrated with, if you’re feeling it and thinking it that’s the energy that you’re putting out to that person, situation, or circumstance. And that’s what you’re attracting back to you because we are all vibrational beings. Everything in the world is vibrational so what we give out we get back.

People say they believe in magic, but if a pig flew right in front of you, would you believe your eyes? And then would you just think “oh, wow, weird,” or would you accept that that was a message for you to pay attention? You’ve heard that when you get when you see three of the same words or sentences in 3 unrelated random places, that that’s a bit of a wake up call from universe to pay attention!

I know lots of people who pay attention to every single sign and symbol around them. If a piece of paper falls on the floor they are wondering, “What does this mean?” You can take it to any extreme that you want, but generally most people are going around unconscious and not noticing any of the signs and symbols that are coming your way on a daily basis.

You end up resisting the serendipity – making a desirable discovery “by accident.” Even though really there are no “accidents.”

So I challenge you to put aside your struggle, resistance, your frustration, however it manifests, for 20 minutes and book a mind-shift call with me (https://bit.ly/SOHealing) because you can have a great ‘aha’ moment.

It’s wonderful to connect one to one, face to face with people. Let’s talk!  I love helping people shift. Yes, I have a course that I want to talk about too and you have free will, so there’s no obligation.

I want to help you shift your mindset because that’s what life is about: how we respond to challenges around us so that we’re not laden with frustration over every little thing and so that we can change our learned responses.

Are you ready to change your old patterns of frustration? I look forward to speaking with you.

If you feel you’re ready now to move your energy and be present in your Spiritually Conscious Travels then please book a call with me.
Click here: https://bit.ly/SOHealing

And if you haven’t already, please join my free Facebook group, The Spiritually Conscious Traveller Global Community to learn how to discover, recognise and release limiting, subconscious, habitual patterns so you can live the life you love.

Click Here to Join: http://bit.ly/SpirituallyConsciousTraveller

Download the Abundance Blockers e-book for $11.11 www.shannonoflaherty.com/shop


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