Are You Frustrated That Because You’re A Healer People Think You Shouldn’t Be Frustrated? Or, angry, sad, annoyed etc. Do you have a safe place for you to process your human emotions free from judging yourself or having others judge you? Are you allowing yourself the right to feel whatever emotions you are feeling or are you suppressing them and putting on the face you think the world, or your family and friends expect from you? Giving ourselves space to BE our true selves, space to process our less than “Healer-Like” human emotions, and not beating ourselves up for having them in the first place is extremely important. Energetic space! Are you letting them work through and out of your body? Wouldn’t you like to know how to do this IN the moment? Wouldn’t you like to have control over your emotions, even when you are feeling frustrated rather than them having control over you? The answer is yes. PM me, let’s see if you are ready to seriously do the work!