New Moon Manifesting! Perfect Timing for Manifesting your ideal family Thanksgiving.

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New Moon Manifesting! Perfect Timing for Manifesting your ideal family Thanksgiving. When we go home to visit our families sometimes we can find that challenging because we have 95% of the same root beliefs that our families have, in fact we learned MOST of them from our families which is why it’s so easy to be triggered at home. But go with compassion and love and find the thing to feel grateful for, no matter how small and really feel it in your heart. We all are living our own realities and they can look very different based on what our truth is. With acceptance and understanding that others may have a different truth to you, you can just appreciate that person for who they are. You don’t have to agree with them, you don’t have to be triggered by them either. You can just be together in your differences. DECIDE how you want this Thanksgiving to be, feel it, and manifest it today with the new moon energies! Happy New Moon Magical Thanksgiving. Join my free Facebook Group The Spiritually Conscious Communicator for tips and strategies to stay in total alignment, rediscover your purpose and passion and live your authentic truth. Click Here to Join:


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