Why Many Of Our Lack Of Abundance Beliefs Have Nothing To Do With Money

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Often our lack of abundance has nothing to do with our finances. How can that be?

If your parents were continually telling you that ‘you’re not good enough’ or ‘you’re not deserving and worthy enough’ or ‘life is hard’ or ‘you have to struggle to live…’ over time, you would begin to believe them.

What we think and feel directly affects the vibration we put out.

It’s not just what our parents told us, but also what they didn’t tell us. Perhaps we overheard them talking about how hard everything was all the time.  Maybe we saw them stressed and fretting over finances.

When we’re little kids we want our parents to be right. We need them to be right because they’re our caretakers. So our little child selves perceive what they say. If they’re always yelling at us, we perceive their anger or our unworthiness. We may not all perceive the same things, which is why siblings can be so incredibly different.

In fact, some people might not have any limiting beliefs about money, despite how they’re raised, because they chose a different perception. But most kids need to keep their parents on that parental pedestal.

So when our parents tell us something, especially when we are young children, because we have nothing to compare it to, we believe them.

When our parents tell us that we’re bad, or we’re naughty, or we’re not good enough, we take that to heart. And if that’s continually substantiated throughout our lives, that’s what we’re going to grow up believing. What we believe affects our vibration and we’re going to keep attracting the same kind of feelings, to keep us in our uncomfortable comfort zone. This is how we get stuck.

My clients continually tell me, “I’m manifesting, I’m asking, I’m open to receive, but no matter what I do, I can’t move forward…”

That’s because when we’re in alignment and flow, everything is working hard but what happens is we all get pushed out of alignment. Something triggers us. And when we’re pushed out of alignment and we’re trying to move forward, we can’t because we’re stuck.

We need to get back into alignment before we start manifesting. But if you have these limiting beliefs about not feeling worthy and deserving or feeling life is hard or unfair or that money is the root of all evil, how will you ever be worthy enough to attract it?

I wanted a man to take care of me.  Just like dear old Dad took care of Mom and my sister and I.  But it’s not the 1960’s anymore, it’s a world where two incomes are paramount.

So I resented my husband for not earning enough, for working 24/7 just to support us, for having to go get a job, I resented him for things that had nothing to do with him! So how on earth could I possibly attract abundance when I was feeling so resentful?

On the surface, resenting your husband has nothing to do with money, but if you can’t love yourself first, how are you going to tap into that love vibration in order to attract the love energy of money, or indeed the love energy of anything, not just money, abundance, it’s everywhere.

Abundance is our birthright. So until you chunk it down and get to the root core beliefs of what is your actual wounding that’s holding you back from accessing your highest and best most self-loving place, which includes your relationship to your abundance, then you’re going to remain in that lack currency.

People think, “well I’m just stuck with money,” but meanwhile haven’t healed anything from their past or childhood.

When we’re in a place of lack or not realising our best potential, not feeling loved, held, or nurtured, not feeling like we can love and appreciate ourselves, being angry, blaming others, feeling ashamed, guilty, resentful… it’s a vicious circle that we all get into sometimes. And that’s really all the stuff that’s keeping us stuck!

But we have the power, tools and the ability to get ourselves out of it. It takes some practice, but I can promise you, that you can turn your entire life around.

Think about what’s really holding you back because it’s probably not just money, it’s probably something much deeper than that, what your parents did and didn’t say to you, or even habits and patterns passed down your ancestral line!

Our abundance is waiting for us to align with it in joy.

Let’s have a free 20 minute mind-shift call because I want to get to know you and see if you are a good candidate for me to help shift! Some people are simply not ready, preferring to stay stuck in their uncomfortable comfort zones, and some are on the fence….if you are one of the ones on the fence, or indeed ready to take control of your life and emotions then please book a free call! Twenty minutes could change your life for the better forever!

Schedule your complimentary Mind-Shift Call today. Click here: https://bit.ly/SOHealing

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