The full moon was yesterday, shining gloriously in between dark relentless rain clouds. Full moons are a time of completion.
When I have a full moon fire ceremony everyone brings a small stick about the size of a pencil.
In one end each person blows into their stick 3 things, personal to them, they’d like to let go of. Like, impatience, doubt, and irrational fear for example.
In the other side, they blow in 3 things they’d like to invite into their lives like, inner peace, abundance, and happiness for example.
It’s like energetic feng shui, creating space by letting go for more room to allow things to come in.
It’s important that your intentions are personal to you so that you do not impinge on anyone else’s free will and choice.
So you would not blow in, “I want ‘Frank’ to be less annoying”
but instead, you would say, “I want to feel less annoyed.” You would not blow in, “I want ‘Rudolph’ to love me” but instead you would say, “I want to be more loveable.”
Fire transmutes energy to light. Once you have blown your intentions into the stick put it fully into the fire so that all of it will burn.
Equally, you can do this with a small piece of paper, simply write down what you’d like to let go of and invite in.
If you don’t have a fire pit, or a fireplace, you can easily make a small fire in an aluminium container. Fill it with salt, pour some alcohol over it (Vodka works well) and carefully light it with a match.
Make sure you’ve got a towel underneath the container as it gets hot!
The burning match is like your mini log for the fire. You can put the small piece of paper in there. Get some sacred tweezers to make sure every part of the paper has burned.
It’s a good idea to blow your energy into the stick or paper so it is holding your essence, your intention, your vibration.
This is a good practice to do when completing a cycle which is why I like to do it with the full moon each month.
But this is the end of year cycle too, so think deeply about what you want to let go of, the ways you sabotage yourself, the habits you have that don’t serve you, maybe your perspective needs an upgrade?
Then think about what would help you the most to feel how you want to feel on a daily basis. More energised? Less cynical? More appreciative?
Then give it all to the light and let the fire do it’s work.
A little appreciation goes a long way. When we can find appreciation for the things that challenge us in life, even just one aspect of it, then we can shift our relationship with it.
It opens the floodgates of possibilities. I wish you all a prosperous, peaceful, loving New Year filled with many “aha” moments and dreams coming true.
As always, I’m here to help you unearth those “aha” moments just waiting to happen!