First I would like to thank everyone for your generous and compassionate donations to the Yachana Wasi project and the community project that Kay Del Vallecito is running and organising in Peru.
We’ve been feeding a community that is cut off from resources during this current Peruvian crisis. We’re very grateful for your help and support. I’ll put the bank details below if you’d still like to donate to this cause, it’s really wonderful.
Hopefully, the trip that is scheduled to go to Peru later this year can still happen, but we’ll have to see what the travelling climate is like later on in the year. 10% of those trip proceeds go towards this project that we’re currently working on that Kay Del Vallecito is running.
So thank you very, very much from the core of our hearts. We deeply appreciate you.
If you would like to donate to Yachana Wasi (House of Wisdom) and the Community Project in Peru organised by Kay Del Vallecito, you can donate into either of these accounts: Kay Bottomley, Royal Bank of Scotland, Sort Code: 16-14-17, Account No.: 11152957 OR Shannon O’Flaherty, Starling Bank, Business Account No.: 04286482 Sort Code: 60-83-71 with the reference Yachana Wasi, please.
This is the year of the water rabbit. There are some real clear messages that I’d like to share with all of you.
We’ve been coming out of some metal years, and metal energy can hold a lot of sadness, loss, and grief. I know a lot of people struggled last year, and I wonder if you know about my shamanic skills and all of those kinds of magic powers?
If you still feel like you are grieving the loss of someone, or that your life radically changed if somebody died last year, or recently, or even in the last couple of years, something that you just can’t shake, it could be that that person’s spirit did not go to the light but zipped into you instead! There are a whole host of reasons why; often to care for the person or to keep an eye on other family members.
I know it might sound really strange and ‘out there,’ but actually, it’s not as uncommon as you may think. In fact, it’s one of my specialties. We call them Extractions – removing entities from people. I’ve seen miraculous cases of people’s entire stature change, stutters stop, people’s whole personalities sometimes change! It’s really interesting when you take a resident spirit out.
It’s great to have a guardian angel, especially if it’s somebody close to you, who can give you guidance, especially if you connect, but we really don’t want to host someone in our physical bodies because then they will start to suck away our own life force energy. We can also begin to develop the same issues that they had.
It’s not healthy for you to be hosting someone else. So if you think that you might be hosting an entity, please book a call with me, because we can find that out really quickly.
Even when people have never heard of this concept before, when it becomes clear that they’re holding someone, it actually makes a lot of sense to them. Because we know truth when we hear it.
That’s just one thing about letting go of the past so that we can move into this new year of water rabbit energy. It’s all about authority and trust, power, flow, and reflection. How we are looking back on things, but also about our life’s purpose and leaving a mark on the world. Yet all the while thinking about consequences and sustainability. How are we going to keep this going?
What are going to be the consequences in your life if you don’t start to do something differently? The rabbit goes underground when he’s afraid and fearful, but this is not the year to hide. We’ve been underground. We’ve been in isolation for the last few years. This is the year to step out and make connections with your community and really combine your heart and mind and bring what your life’s purpose is into fruition. And, to have fun while you’re at it!
What have you come here to do? This is the time to do it. The rabbit year is about magic and miracles if you do the work, so what are the seeds that you planted last year in the year of the tiger?
If you had a great year of planting seeds, then this year can be exceptionally magical. It’s really important to stay grounded and connected and decide how you want to help the world BE.
We all have a place in this world. We all have a purpose in this world. What is your life purpose? If you don’t feel that you’re doing it yet, now is the time to do it. And if you don’t know what it is yet, then now is the time to discover what that is.
I can help you get into absolute alignment with yourself so that you can understand your deepest, fundamental truth. Your truth, not everybody else’s truth, not your parents truth, not the community’s truth, your truth so that you can leap forward like the rabbit into the future and create what you want to create and have fun while you’re doing it.
And make sure that it’s going to sustain you so that it’s not just going to dry up. You want to reunite your actions with your soul’s calling. That’s really what this year is all about. We want to manage, embrace and reunite the duality. There could be a real break in between that inner duality inside all of us.
And some of the traps that we need to be concerned about is when we start to search for what’s missing, or what’s lacking. When our mind goes into that lack place, we immediately start to spiral down, and then we’re absolutely not in our centre. Instead, we find ourselves judging and torturing ourselves and going into a place of needing to be perfect or needing to please everyone around us. Instead of actually stopping that direction of lack thought and start focusing on what your heart’s true desire is and bringing yourself back to centre so that you can bring your energy level back up and call into the world what you desire.
Everybody had challenges last year. But you can look at challenges as the greatest gifts because when you’re in a place of resistance or feeling the struggle or going into worry or wonder what’s going to happen next – “what if… what if…” that’s the time the universe is saying, “Hey, pay attention you need to look at what is going on for you so you can shift your focus!”
Yes, that is what the Universe says! 😉
Now we’re all humans, so it’s a practice. This is something that you’ve got to work at every day. But the more you do, the faster it becomes your default reality.
In March last year, I had a little bit of a dip, but then I got back on track because I can’t stand myself when I’m not on centre. I held space for that issue to resolve and certainly by the end of the year, it did. As a result, I stepped into the deepest level of personal sovereignty I’ve ever known. And it was the thing that I ended up being the most proud about all year.
So the thing that caused me the most upset in the beginning of the year was the thing that I was actually the most proud about by the end of the year because I held to my truth. Pretty cool huh?
We don’t always know what’s going to happen because we’re seeing our current reality, our current potential, our current future from this perspective here and now. But our perspective, even tomorrow or next week might change!
The other thing the rabbit brings us is plot twists, you might just have a sudden shift in direction. I’ve had a plot twist or two already this year! Things that were totally unexpected materialised that immediately shifted my focus for the better.
So this is your year to manifest what you want. Let me help you do that. Book a free mind shift call for 20 minutes, it’ll definitely shift your perspective! I so look forward to hearing from you.
Soon you’ll be receiving an email to register for the webinar, on February 11th, where I’m going to talk all about the 12-week online course From Fear Into Love that will change your life forever.