Part of the process of removing our invisibility cloak that so many of us are hiding underneath is by identifying how the invisibility, belief shows up in our life.
How is it that you don’t feel seen? Don’t feel heard, received, appreciated, or respected?
How does it show up for you? One of the aspects of this great big umbrella subject is being important to unpick it a bit. You’ve got to look for the gaps in your life, like how are things not working for you?
With the invisibility complex it’s easy to fall into the “please others” trap, when I would immediately put everybody else’s needs ahead of my own. Sometimes I wasn’t even on my own list of priorities so I wasn’t taking care of myself. Everybody else’s needs and desires were more important than my own.
That’s one aspect of how we become invisible and keep ourselves invisible by prioritising others so much. But others also didn’t know what my needs and desires were because I wasn’t expressing them to anyone. I wasn’t speaking up about what I needed because I didn’t feel heard and I substantiated this by my subconscious behaviour, which was all wrapped up together with my subconscious limiting thoughts and beliefs.
We need to identify how invisibility is showing up in our lives, how we behave, how we respond with others? What are we projecting on to others? What are we taking personally when we don’t need to?
And how does it affect us in the whole world? We might believe that ‘others don’t care about me,’ or that ‘others are selfish,’ or that perhaps ‘it’s dangerous to be seen,’ or that ‘the world isn’t interested in what I have to offer.’ So invisibility can really hit you in many different ways.
Are you setting up a structure, so that your needs and desires can be known and can be received by others, so that you’re not leaving yourself out of the package by not communicating?
Oftentimes, we love to blame everything on everybody else. It’s so much easier, but relationships are a dance and we must take responsibility for our part.
What are you doing to enable yourself to stay invisible?
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to create relationships where your needs and desires and the needs and desires of everybody else were present? So that even if they are appearing contrary or contrasting or you don’t feel that you’re compatible, but that you could still have that kind of relationship with clear communication so that everybody could be heard and seen, everybody’s opinion could be received without it having to cause conflict.
When we’re stepping fully into our power of who we are, and allowing ourselves in all of our awesomeness and shining light to be seen, that’s what we’re contributing. We’re contributing all of ourselves with transparency instead of hiding behind an invisibility cloak that isn’t serving us in any way.
There’s so much more to the invisibility belief and it encompasses a huge set of limiting beliefs. I’m going to be going through all of them and unpicking them in my nine month group coaching programme coming up.
If this interests you and you really want to discover the deeper subconscious blocks that are holding you back from feeling seen, feeling heard, speaking your truth, feeling like you have more confidence and preventing you from realising that really you have a choice in absolutely everything you do.
By identifying all of these beliefs and picking them apart and healing them, then you can finally stop giving up your power to everyone else and start to live your authentic life and truth and be received in everything you say, and feel safe and confident to do that.
Book a complimentary mind shift call so that we can have a chat and see how we can best work together.
Also, be sure to join the Women Being Seen and Heard Facebook group. Please introduce yourselves in the group and send me a private message.