The Puzzle Of Pixelated Reality

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If you are worried much of the time, chances are your reality is pixelated.  You have shadow parts that are suppressed from your awareness.  These pixelated parts keep you in a constant state of worry.
We worry that no matter how much money we put out, we’ll be that much further in the financial hole.  We worry that some “thing” bad will happen.
We cannot see our potential or our life being filled with anything other than lack.
It’s hard to hear the truth about energy, vibration, and how frequencies work because our pixelated mind has us in a state of disbelief every day.
Although we can discuss it intellectually, we somehow cannot make all the puzzle pieces fit.  It’s like all 1000 pieces of the puzzle of our day to day life, belongs to different puzzles and we are looking to bring them into Diamond Clarity, removing those pixelated pieces so that all the new clear, shiny pieces will fit into one scene.
When we are in fear, or coming from a place of scarcity, we don’t believe it is possible focus to have a breakthrough.  We tell ourselves that is something that happens for other people.
When we are in scarcity we cannot see what’s on the other side of that, so we can’t TRUST that it will be better and it paralyses us into non-action.
In order to destroy the illusion of something we have to be willing to step outside of fear.  Fear cannot function where love thrives and love will never come alive if you’re sleeping with fear.
The habit of scarcity is what allows fear to thrive, and keeps you stuck in not knowing what you don’t know, and not trusting what you do!
The reason my methods work is because it gives you such a big wake-up call week one, that you can no longer be in denial about what you don’t know!
Despite all the healing work you’ve done and  modalities you’ve learned, it’s still such a surprise to discover there’s so much more lurking under the surface.
Then you get down to the real work and start asking yourself some deep questions about your life. Perhaps things you’ve never thought about or considered before.
Old suppressed memories and woundings come to the surface which is what scares a lot of people away from self-development in the first place, but we created all of our feelings, and we pushed them all down too.
I remember being very pregnant with my first son and walking up a flight of steps with that extra 50 pounds on my frame.  I could feel the extra pressure in my knees and in my lungs and I thought, “Wow, people who are overweight don’t realise how much harder they have to work, just to climb a flight of stairs!”
It’s the same with our emotions.  You can carry them around with you your entire life until something triggers you into having an emotional meltdown and you think you’re losing your mind!
When we start to face our deepest stuff we literally lighten up! I teach you different techniques to assist you in discovering, identifying and releasing the pixelated shadow parts so that you no longer have to keep lugging them around with you through your life.
And when your life experiences DO trigger you, you will know how to deal with them free from exaggerated drama.  In the moment.
When we are empowered by understanding why we behave the way we do, why others say the things they do, why we react the way we do, and have the tools to change our energy around it in the moment, we are no longer in that paralysed state of scarcity.
Our confidence goes up.  Our ability to take action increases.  Our worries dissipate.
Aren’t YOU worth investing in your ability to ‘shine bright like a diamond’ regardless of what’s going on around you?

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