Tackling Feelings of Loneliness, Inadequacy & Invisibility

Feelings of loneliness, inadequacy, and invisibility often lurk beneath the surface, masked by our busy lives or numbed by distractions. But unless we shine a light on these emotions, they can silently shape our reality. So where do these feelings come from? The consistent messages we receive—both spoken and unspoken—from our parents and other authority […]
Unlock the Missing Link: How to Make the Law of Attraction FINALLY Work for You! 🔑✨

Most of us by now have heard about the Law of Attraction, and wonder why it’s not working? I have this outcome that I want to have happen, and I think about it all the time, and I’m visualizing it, but it’s still not happening. Just like we have our birth imprint when we’re born, […]
How Birth Trauma Can Significantly Influence an Individual’s Self-Worth and Identity

Birth trauma can significantly influence an individual’s self-worth and identity, often manifesting in subconscious beliefs that affect their relationships and perceptions throughout life. This trauma can take many forms, from literal abandonment at birth to more subtle experiences, such as not being held immediately after birth. Regardless of the specifics, any disruption in the bonding […]
Discover Your Repeating Patterns

Check out this clip from my first show of Beyond Birth Trauma, with Dr. Pat Bacilli. You may not know what kind of repeating patterns you are holding subconsciously, but they are there! And, they affect us daily in all aspects of our lives. If you are still being regularly triggered and feeling stuck in […]
New Year’s Self Review

Coming into the second week of January, forget New Year’s resolutions! Instead think about who you are in this moment, space and time, and who you’d like to be. This is a really good time of year to sit with yourself, go within and quietly take some self review. It’s always good to start with […]
Has Ice Frozen Your New Year’s Flow?

Happy New Year! It seems like enforced hibernation is upon us! My car is certainly in icy lockdown. After over 30 hours of traveling home from New York due to flight cancellations, re-routing and more delays, and still no bags…plus the snow and ice and events being cancelled….the message seems to be clear, sit still, […]
Find Your Flock That You Can Call FAMILY

Happy New Year 2025! Last night my youngest son Roam and his beautiful wife Shenny and I went out to The Eel Bar for an absolutely exquisite dinner. Wild combinations of food that exploded into Heaven in our mouths! It was a festive vibe. During dinner the actual Heavens opened and thunder and lightening along […]
Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas! Wherever you are and whoever you’re with, even if you are alone this Christmas, talk to your ancestors! Let them know how grateful you are for them paving the way for you here and now. If your loved ones are in spirit, speak out loud to them. They can hear you. And of […]
Where is your inner homeland where you feel most connected?

I’ve come home to New York to spend Christmas with my Daddy. It’s quite interesting to come home. I was wondering if you’ve thought about, where is your home? Many kids moved around a lot and never had their roots or had a stable place. If you moved around a lot as a young child, […]

Make your dreams come true. Stay in your centre. Do not project into the future. Stay present, here, now. Speak your truth. Drink water. Breathe deeply. Meditate daily. Pray. Connect with nature. Find joy in the smallest things. Focus on what makes your soul sing. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Find appreciation in the challenges. Change […]